
Ranking All of the Halloween Films

Because it’s that time of year, it seems as good a time as any to give you my ranking of all 11 films in the Halloween franchise. Keep in mind, this is my personal ranking and it’s expected many people will disagree. With that said, let’s get started.

movies, Reviews

Review: The Grudge

Filled with disturbing imagery and genuine horror, The Grudge mostly succeeds as a film. But it is weighed down by a convoluted timeline of events and rushed ending focused more on setting up a horror franchise than providing much closure.

movies, Reviews

Review: A Star Is Born

In a modern take on this classic story, A Star Is Born is one of the most heart-wrenching movies of the year, filled with beautiful set and sound design, chill-inducing musical numbers and Oscar-worthy performances.

movies, Reviews

Review: Halloween (2018)

Halloween manages to make the masked menace Michael Myers a terrifying force, while simultaneously reinventing the franchise that has been out theaters for almost a decade with brutal kills, genuine horror and quite a few laughs.


News: Oct. 19, 2018

Annabelle 3 Cast Announcement, Rom-Coms a Big Hit at Netflix, Spider-Man: Far From Home Wraps Filming & John Krasinki Writing A Quiet Place 2

Reviews, Television

Review: Charmed (2018) – “Pilot”

With an all-too-familiar story and a feminist message that beats its audience over the head, there’s very little magic to found in this remake of Charmed.

movies, Reviews

Review: Blair Witch

Aside from a thrilling finale, Blair Witch follows a similar narrative structure to its predecessor without the added believability that contributed so heavily to the success of the original.


News: Oct. 12, 2018

Pet Semetary & Aladdin Trailers Released, James Gunn in Talks for Suicide Squad 2 & Birds of Prey Casting News


News: Oct. 5, 2018

Weekend Movie Preview, Dark Phoenix Date Moved AGAIN, Hellboy Poster Revealed & Chris Evans Hangs It Up as Captain America