movies, Reviews

Review: Us

Despite excellent directing, a hauntingly beautiful score and a Oscar-worthy performance from its leading lady, Us fails to deliver on it’s confusing narrative that will leave audiences feeling unsatisfied by the film’s conclusion.

movies, Reviews

Review: Aquaman

Although Aquaman is certainly a swing in the right direction for DC to expand it’s mostly sloppy film universe, it is by no means a home run, suffering from a poor storytelling and an overstuffed narrative during its 143-minute runtime. However, with some help from its charismatic lead and a talented director, Aquaman may still be the second best film in the universe behind Wonder Woman.

movies, Reviews

Review: Happy Death Day

Filled with light PG-13 scares and significantly more laughs, Happy Death Day is more a comedy film than horror. But it still manages to mostly succeed in what it sets out to do, even if the end product is a mostly average time.

movies, news

New Avengers: Endgame Trailer Breakdown

The presumably final trailer for Avengers: Endgame dropped this week and continues to give us very few glimpses into the overall plot of this so-called MCU “finale.” However, there are a few hints in the trailer that give some intriguing details into what we can expect from this film.

movies, Reviews

Review: Captain Marvel

As the first female-led feature film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain Marvel mostly succeeds, despite a few sloppy storytelling elements. It has all of the makings of an excellent comic book film with a strong lead, excellent chemistry between characters and beautifully grounding a pretty overpowered hero.


Top 10 Episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

In honor of the 22nd Anniversary of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I decided to give my personal ranking of the top 10 episodes of the cult-classic television series.


My Thoughts on Dark Phoenix

The release of this summer’s Dark Phoenix will mark the end of an era for the Fox X-Men franchise that has been ongoing since 2000, when Director Bryan Singer brought these characters to life on film.

movies, Reviews

Review: Glass

The conclusion to M. Night Shyamalan’s comic book superhero trilogy perfectly balances suspense and action through its first two acts. But it’s the notorious Shyamalan twist in the third act that will leave audiences with torn feelings on Glass.


Most Anticipated Movies of 2019

This year is shaping up to be an incredible one for movies. A lot of conclusions (or alleged conclusions) to huge franchises and series and new sequels and remakes that may spark new life into more dormant ones. Let’s take a look at my top 10 most anticipated films of 2019.

movies, Reviews

Review: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

A visual masterpiece with a new twist on a classic comic wall-crawler, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse might just be the best Spider-Man film adaptation since Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2.