movies, Reviews

Review: Unicorn Store

Brie Larson shines in her directorial debut in a story about growing up, moving on and achieving your dreams in Netflix’s Unicorn Store. However, while the direction is excellent, some of the storytelling elements dampen what is otherwise a fairly enjoyable and creative narrative.


Where the Characters Are at the Start of Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Infinity War saw many of our characters split up across the universe, as well as several dead or dusted due to Thanos’ actions in the film. As the finale to the Marvel Cinematic Universe up to this point, there’s a lot to look forward to in Avengers: Endgame, and a lot can happen in the 3 hour and 2 minute runtime of the film. Let’s recap where we left each of our characters the last time we saw them in the MCU leading into Avengers: Endgame.

movies, Reviews

Review: Pet Sematary

A slow-paced and mostly uneventful film, Pet Sematary is a fairly forgettable horror film, mostly suffering from a weak and uninteresting script. However, mostly due to to the strong performances and decent enough scares, it manages to bring a little more flair to this remake adaptation of Stephen King’s novel.

movies, news

Breaking Down the Star Wars Episode IX Teaser Trailer

Star Wars Celebration has been full of surprises, the biggest of which was the first teaser trailer and official title for Star Wars Episode IX.