Reviews, Television

Review: Defending Jacob

In what may appear as a run-of-the-mill murder mystery on the surface, Defending Jacob is actually a refreshingly eerie take on the genre. With a dark story filled with twists and turns, beautiful direction and outstanding cast performances at its core, the AppleTV miniseries sets itself apart by being one of the best series of 2020.

Reviews, Television

Review: The Mandalorian – Season One

With the Star Wars fandom completely divided on how Disney has handled the property since it’s acquisition, it seems as though there is one thing both sides can agree on: The Mandalorian is a fantastic show. 

Reviews, Television

Review: Looking for Alaska

In what could have easily been a cliched and retreaded young adult story, this miniseries adaptation of John Green’s bestselling novel instead offers a refreshing and interesting perspective on the heartbreaking ups and downs of growing up.