movies, Reviews

Review: The New Mutants

While certainly not bringing anything new to the table, The New Mutants remains a pretty standard superhero outing. A mediocre plot with some great eerie atmosphere at least make it enjoyable enough for X-Men fans to watch as one final film in the now-dead Fox franchise.

movies, Reviews

Review: Tenet

Famed director Christopher Nolan’s most recent film is an enjoyable, if convoluted, outing. While Tenet will be remembered for its mind-blowing special effects and production design, its hurt by its unnecessarily confusing narrative, stagnant performances and soulless story.

movies, Reviews

Review: A Quiet Place Part II

Proving that his first outing was not a fluke, director John Krasinski stuns again in one of the best horror film sequels of all time. Building off the success of the 2018 film, A Quiet Place Part II is a masterpiece of horror sound and atmosphere with some excellent performances to back it up. While it comes just a tad short of the first film, it remains a worthwhile sequel that fans of the original cannot miss.