movies, Reviews

Review: Wonder Woman 1984

The highly anticipated sequel to the fantastic 2017 film Wonder Woman is a rather mixed bag, but it's filled with quite a few sweet treats if you let yourself overlook enough to enjoy it. Not without its many faults, particularly with its storytelling, the film still manages to entertain those fans of the Amazonian demigoddess.

movies, Reviews

Review: Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

As it’s excessive title would imply, Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) is a fun romp that, while small in scale, is just as enjoyable as any comic book film out there.

movies, Reviews

Review: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

A directionless plot and unclear message mixed with great performances and beautifully crafted scenes might just make Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood the best worst movie this year.

Reviews, Television

Review: Veronica Mars – Season Four

A series that has come back from the dead more than any show in recent memory, the fourth season of Veronica Mars offers a new, intriguing season-long mystery, real stakes for the main cast and phenomenal performances all around. In a world full of other revival series banking more on nostalgia such as Fuller House, BH90210 and Heroes Reborn, Veronica Mars may be the best television revival thus far, though not without a few flaws.

movies, Reviews

Review: Spider-Man Far From Home

Serving as both a follow-up to 2017´s Spider-Man: Homecoming and the cinematic behemoth of Avengers: Endgame, this sequel gives Marvel Cinematic Universe fans a satisfactory outing for both. More so, the film follows through with the set-up from its predecessor and takes it to new heights, proving to be even more enjoyable than the first.

movies, Reviews

Review: Avengers Endgame

Avengers: Endgame provides an incredible conclusion for the 22-film Infinity Saga of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Though certainly not without a few flaws, the film manages to subvert and exceed expectations, deliver finality to more than a decade worth of stories and give audiences one of the most satisfying theater-going experiences of this generation.


Where the Characters Are at the Start of Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Infinity War saw many of our characters split up across the universe, as well as several dead or dusted due to Thanos’ actions in the film. As the finale to the Marvel Cinematic Universe up to this point, there’s a lot to look forward to in Avengers: Endgame, and a lot can happen in the 3 hour and 2 minute runtime of the film. Let’s recap where we left each of our characters the last time we saw them in the MCU leading into Avengers: Endgame.

movies, Reviews

Review: Aquaman

Although Aquaman is certainly a swing in the right direction for DC to expand it’s mostly sloppy film universe, it is by no means a home run, suffering from a poor storytelling and an overstuffed narrative during its 143-minute runtime. However, with some help from its charismatic lead and a talented director, Aquaman may still be the second best film in the universe behind Wonder Woman.

movies, news

New Avengers: Endgame Trailer Breakdown

The presumably final trailer for Avengers: Endgame dropped this week and continues to give us very few glimpses into the overall plot of this so-called MCU “finale.” However, there are a few hints in the trailer that give some intriguing details into what we can expect from this film.