movies, Reviews

Review: Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Despite being an excellent source material, excellent special effects and Oscar-winning director Guillermo del Toro as a co-producer, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark fails to capture the horror. Instead, it feels weighed down by weak performances, a lack of substance and retreaded horror storytelling that makes the film feel empty. In fact, these scary stories would have been best left in the dark.

movies, Reviews

Review: Ma

Ma is a showcase of its star’s acting talent, but unfortunately brings nothing new to the oversaturated genre. The result is a film with a charismatic lead that is far too talented for this predictable and retreaded horror plot.

movies, Reviews

Review: Us

Despite excellent directing, a hauntingly beautiful score and a Oscar-worthy performance from its leading lady, Us fails to deliver on it’s confusing narrative that will leave audiences feeling unsatisfied by the film’s conclusion.