movies, Reviews

Review: The New Mutants

While certainly not bringing anything new to the table, The New Mutants remains a pretty standard superhero outing. A mediocre plot with some great eerie atmosphere at least make it enjoyable enough for X-Men fans to watch as one final film in the now-dead Fox franchise.

movies, Reviews

Review: Wonder Woman 1984

The highly anticipated sequel to the fantastic 2017 film Wonder Woman is a rather mixed bag, but it's filled with quite a few sweet treats if you let yourself overlook enough to enjoy it. Not without its many faults, particularly with its storytelling, the film still manages to entertain those fans of the Amazonian demigoddess.

Reviews, Television

Review: Watchmen

Watchmen is an unexpected deconstruction of the superhero genre in an interesting new world while simultaneously tackling heavy issues of racism, injustice and white supremacy. Packed with culture commentary, pitch-perfect casting and beautiful direction, Watchmen challenges the expectations of fans and, if viewers let it, takes them on one hell of a ride.

Reviews, Television

Review: The Boys – Season One

In the over-saturated market of the superhero genre, Amazon’s The Boys offers an alternative look at heroes audiences have become all too familiar with. This, along with some excellent storytelling and a few charismatic performances, makes this one of the most exciting television series in recent years.

movies, Reviews

Review: Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

As it’s excessive title would imply, Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) is a fun romp that, while small in scale, is just as enjoyable as any comic book film out there.


My Top 10 Movies of 2019

As 2019 comes to a close, it’s time to rank my top 10 favorite films of the year. Keep in mind, this is my personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the grades given to each film. Also, I did not see every single movie released this year. Instead, it’s simply the 10 movies I enjoyed watching the most in 2019.

Reviews, Television

Review: Titans – Season One

While a dark and gritty reboot of the beloved Teen Titans sounds like a good idea in theory, it is so confusingly executed that this first season struggles to find a balance with characters and narrative. Despite being interesting, it tends to lean in extremes of either being incredibly interesting or horrendously awful, instead just feeling flat overall.


Most Anticipated Movies of 2020

In 2019, so many franchises came to an end. The likes of Marvel’s Infinity Saga, Star Wars Skywalker Saga and Fox’s X-Men franchise all had concluding chapters. But 2020 is the year for new beginnings and what appears to be a very interesting slate of more original films coming kickstart a wave of new cinema for the new decade.

movies, Reviews

Review: Spider-Man Far From Home

Serving as both a follow-up to 2017´s Spider-Man: Homecoming and the cinematic behemoth of Avengers: Endgame, this sequel gives Marvel Cinematic Universe fans a satisfactory outing for both. More so, the film follows through with the set-up from its predecessor and takes it to new heights, proving to be even more enjoyable than the first.