
My Top 10 Movies of 2019

As 2019 comes to a close, it’s time to rank my top 10 favorite films of the year. Keep in mind, this is my personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the grades given to each film. Also, I did not see every single movie released this year. Instead, it’s simply the 10 movies I enjoyed watching the most in 2019.

movies, Reviews

Review: Doctor Sleep

Doctor Sleep may not given fans of Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 film exactly what they expect from a sequel, but it certainly gives them one Hell of a good time that may just be the best horror movie experience of 2019.


My Top 10 Horror Movies

One of my favorite things to do during October is to watch horror movies. So, in celebration of Halloween, I decided to rank my top 10 favorite horror movies of all time. Keep in mind, this is not a ranking of movies from worst to best, but rather my own favorites that I enjoy watching around this time of year.